Launch an Anaconda AMI on AWS#

Follow the steps below to launch Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances using Amazon Machine Images (AMI) with pre-installed Anaconda products (e.g. Anaconda Distribution or Miniconda).

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console.

  2. Subscribe to an Anaconda AMI product. (If you’ve already done this, skip to step 3.)

    1. Go to Anaconda’s AWS Marketplace product page and select the product you wish to use. We currently support AMIs with the following specifications:


      Anaconda Product


      AWS Marketplace Product Name

      Linux x86_64

      Anaconda Distribution


      Anaconda with Python 3 (x86_64)

      Linux x86_64



      Miniconda with Python 3 (x86_64)

      Linux aarch64/arm64

      Anaconda Distribution


      Anaconda with Python 3 (aarch64/arm64)

    2. On the product’s page, click Continue to Subscribe.

    3. Review and accept the terms. The subscription should take a few minutes to take effect.

  3. From the AWS Management Console, in the search field, enter “AWS Marketplace Subscriptions” and select the result.

  4. On the Manage subscriptions page, find the Anaconda product you wish to launch and click Launch new instance.

  5. On the Launch new instance page, confirm the delivery method, software version, and your region. Then click Continue to launch through EC2.

  6. Choose an instance type, and then click Next: Configure Instance Details. Optionally select the remaining configuration details (e.g. storage, tags, and security).

  7. On the final Review step, review your configuration details. Select Previous to return to a previous screen to make changes. Click Launch when you are ready to launch the instance.

  8. Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair, check the acknowledge agreement box, and then click Launch Instances.

  9. Click View Instances to check the status of your instance.

Additional resources#