Workbench Application (AEN 4.1.2)#

The Workbench is a file viewer and manager, including a file editor and file permissions manager. You can use it to upload and download files, create new files and folders, copy and move files to new locations, rename files and/or folders and to manage the access permissions of your team members. You can also use it to grant or revoke access of non-team members.

Workbench also includes a simple terminal application. This is convenient to use because the File Manager is always visible, making your navigation easier.

To open Workbench, log onto AE Notebooks and select the project you want to work on, or create a new project and open it. On the main page of your project, click on the workbench icon:


When you first open Workbench, on the left you see the file manager, and on the right you see create or upload a file:


When you open a file or open a terminal window, it appears on the right. To make the Create or Upload a file options re-appear, simply refresh your browser window.

Two small icons appear in the top black bar. Hovering over them brings up a tool tip explaining their use. The icons are Toggle to make the file manager appear or disappear from the left column, and Terminal to open a simple terminal window.

File Manager

The file Manager in the left column is an intuitive way to interact with your files and folders. Right-click on any folder to make the drop-down menu of options appear:


New File - Create and edit a new file New Folder - Create a new folder Upload File - Upload file to selected folder. You can also drag a file to the folder. Permissions - Control access to your files and folders. See Team Collaboration. Cut - Cut the file to paste in another folder. Copy - Copy the file to another folder. Paste - Paste a previously cut or copied file. Delete - Delete the highlighted file or folder. Rename - Rename the highlighted file or folder.

File Editor

Double-click any text file in the left-column file browser, and the File Editor will open on the right:


Be sure to click the top-right “Save” button when you have finished editing. To close the file without saving, click the red “X” at the top, next to the file name.

Simple Terminal

To open the simple Workbench terminal, in the top black bar, click on the “Open Terminal” icon, the second icon from the left. A terminal (bash shell) window opens on the right.

TIP: You can open additional terminal windows by either clicking the “Open Terminal” icon again, or by clicking the plus sign at the top of the terminal window.


Navigate between terminal windows by clicking the terminal tabs that appear on the top navigation bar, then the number of the terminal window you want to use.