Installing Miniconda#

This page contains more complex installation instructions for the major operating systems. For a command-line quickstart installation, see Quick Command Line Install.


On Windows, macOS, and Linux, it is best to install Miniconda for the local user, which does not require administrator permissions and is the most robust type of installation. However, if you need to, you can install Miniconda system wide, which does require administrator permissions.

  1. Download the .exe installer.

  2. (Optional) Verify your installer’s SHA-256 checksum. This check proves that the installer you downloaded is the original one.

    1. Open PowerShell version 4.0 or later. For instructions for using Windows PowerShell 3.0 or older, see the Cryptographic hash verification instructions in the conda project documentation.

    2. Run the following command, replacing filename with the path to your installer.

      Get-FileHash filename -Algorithm SHA256
    3. Check the hash that appears against the hash listed next to the installer you downloaded. See all Miniconda installer hashes here.

  3. Double-click the .exe file.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You can change them later.

  5. When the installation finishes, from the Start menu, open Anaconda Prompt.

  6. Test your installation by running conda list. If conda has been installed correctly, a list of installed packages appears.

More information on installing in silent mode on Windows is in the conda project documentation.


The graphical installer for MacOS installs Miniconda into /opt/miniconda3 in your file system. If you want to install Miniconda into your Home directory or if you have multiple users on a system and want to manage your installation more carefully, Anaconda recommends the shell (or command line) installer.

  1. Download the .pkg installer.

  2. (Optional) Verify your installer’s SHA-256 checksum. This check proves that the installer you downloaded is the original one.

    1. Open a terminal application.

    2. Run the following command, replacing filename with the path to your installer.

      shasum -a 256 filename
    3. Check the hash that appears against the hash listed next to the installer you downloaded. See all Miniconda installer hashes here.

  3. Double-click the .pkg file.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You can change them later.

  5. When the installation finishes, open your terminal application.

  6. Test your installation by running conda list. If conda has been installed correctly, a list of installed packages appears.

More information on installing in silent mode on macOS is in the conda project documentation.

  1. Download the .pkg installer.

  2. (Optional) Verify your installer’s SHA-256 checksum. This check proves that the installer you downloaded is the original one.

    1. Open your terminal.

    2. Run the following command, replacing filename with the path to your installer.

      sha256sum filename
    3. Check the hash that appears against the hash listed next to the installer you downloaded. See all Miniconda installer hashes here.

  3. In your terminal, run the following command, replacing filename with the path to your installer.

    bash filename
  4. Follow the prompts on the installer screens.

    If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You can change them later.

  5. To make the changes take effect, close and then re-open your terminal window.

  6. Test your installation by running conda list. If conda has been installed correctly, a list of installed packages appears.

For more information on installing in silent mode, see the macOS instructions in the conda project documentation.