
To quickly get started with notebooks, download the JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks cheatsheet.

For a deep dive on Jupyter Notebooks—formerly IPython notebook—see the Official Jupyter Notebook documentation.

Uploading a notebook#

To upload a Jupyter notebook to

  1. Save a notebook to your local machine.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the notebook, then save.

  3. Upload your notebook to by running the following command in a terminal (Anaconda Prompt for Windows users):

    # Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook
    anaconda upload <MY_NOTEBOOK>.ipynb

Viewing your notebook in a browser#

You can see an HTML version of your notebook stored at the following path:

# Replace <USERNAME> with your username
# Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook<USERNAME>/<MY_NOTEBOOK>

Downloading your notebook#

Anyone with network access to can download your notebook by running the following command in a terminal (Anaconda Prompt for Windows users):

# Replace <USERNAME> with your username
# Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook
anaconda download <USERNAME>/<MY_NOTEBOOK>