Cheat sheet (AEN 4.2.1)# The Admin dashboard includes three menus in the left column: Staff, Site Admin and Providers. Staff menu¶ Daily Report—See the number of users and projects. Password Reset—Reset a user password. Notification—Send system messages to users via SES or SMTP. Exceptions—If errors are raised while AEN is running, a red dot appears in the AEN navigation bar. Review errors and mark them as read. Site Admin menu¶ General—Change the configuration settings for your AE Notebook server installation. Accounts—Turns on or off Open Registration. Users—View usernames, number of projects and last logins. Monitor–View status of applications with related data, terminate or restart Security Log—View errors that could affect security. Data Centers—View current data centers and add a new data center. Task Queue—View workers in the task queue and priority. License—View current AEN license or upload a new license. Providers menu¶ Enterprise Resources—View, add or remove local or cloud services and designate public or private to control access to a compute node.