Customizing mirrors#

This section explains how you can customize your PyPI or Anaconda repository mirror.

Before you start#

Your Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository should already be installed and configured, as well as the mirroring tool cas-mirror. See mirroring an Anaconda repository.

Customizing your mirror#

The following commands can be used with the cas-mirror tool:

  • cas-sync: Creates or updates an existing local Anaconda package repository. The packages are saved into a local directory. This directory is defined by the mirror_dir configuration setting.

  • cas-sync-api-v4: Creates or updates an existing remote Anaconda package repository. The packages are uploaded into an account of an existing Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository instance. The account and instance are controlled by the dest_channel and dest_site configuration settings.

  • cas-merge: Combines delta repositories into an existing Anaconda package repository. A delta repository contains the changes between the local and remote Anaconda package repositories. Delta repositories are generated by cas-sync using the delta configuration setting.

All the commands can read a YAML configuration file specified by the --file (or -f) command line option. The YAML file can contain any of the following valid keys:


Conda packages, Anaconda installers and Miniconda installers are fetched from this remote URL.



Conda packages are fetched from these remote channels.

DEFAULT: A list of these channels:

  • <remote_url>/pkgs/main/

  • <remote_url>/pkgs/free/

  • <remote_url>/pkgs/pro/


The mirror is saved in this local directory.

NOTE: A full mirror of the Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository uses about 650 GB of disk space. Make sure the mirror directory has enough space.

DEFAULT: /opt/cas-mirror


Conda packages and installers for this list of platforms are mirrored.

DEFAULT: A list of all platforms. This is:

['osx-32', 'osx-64', 'win-32', 'win-64', 'linux-32', 'linux-64', 'linux-armv6l', 'linux-armv7l', 'linux-ppc64le']


Whether to fetch all Anaconda and Miniconda installers from remote_url.

If fetch_installers is set to false then installers are not fetched.



Python versions to mirror.

DEFAULT: All versions.

EXAMPLE: ['2.7', '3.6']


An explicit list of package names to be mirrored.

When this list is provided, the license_blacklist, blacklist and whitelist keys are not allowed to be set.


A list of licenses to be excluded from the mirror.

The license families that can be blacklisted are:

  • AGPL


  • BSD

  • GPL2

  • GPL3

  • LGPL

  • MIT



  • PSF


  • NONE


A list of package names to be excluded from the mirror.


A list of package names to be included in the mirror.

The whitelist overrides the blacklists. If a package is both blacklisted and whitelisted, then it is included and mirrored.

EXAMPLE: The package numpy has a license in the license family BSD.

If license_blacklist contains BSD and whitelist is empty, then numpy and all other BSD licensed packages are excluded and not mirrored.

If license_blacklist contains BSD and whitelist contains numpy, then the numpy package is included and mirrored and other BSD licensed packages are excluded and not mirrored.


Optional channel to use when synchronizing with a local Repository instance.

DEFAULT: “anaconda”


Optional site to use when synchronizing with a local Repository instance.



If delta is true, then a delta is generated from mirror_dir.

If delta is false, then the changes are applied directly.


The delta is generated (or merged) onto this directory.

If this is not specified, the generated delta directory is named delta-<timestamp>-pkgs. <timestamp> is replaced with a timestamp.


The number of retries to allow before failing.

When it is set to 0, cas-mirror fails at the first error. Default is 0.

This is supported only for the cas-sync and cas-sync-api-v4 commands.



If safe is true, synchronizing repositories or merging delta directories never delete anything.

DEFAULT: false


Uses a repodata.json (or repodata.json.bz2) as the source of existing packages.

This file must be in the mirror directory for a specific platform.

EXAMPLE: /mirror/linux-64/repodata.json

Mirroring a platform-specific list#

By default, cas-sync and cas-sync-api-v4 mirror all platforms. If you do not need all platforms, you can save time and disk space by editing the yaml file to specify which platform(s) you want to mirror.


  - linux-64
  - win-32

Mirroring a package-specific list#

You may want to mirror only a small subset of the repository. Rather than blacklisting a long list of packages you do not want to be mirrored, you can instead simply enumerate the list of packages you do want to mirror.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors only the three packages Accelerate, PyQt and Zope. All other packages are ignored:

- accelerate
- pyqt
- zope

Mirroring Python version-specific packages#

You may want to mirror only a subset of versions.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors only Anaconda packages built for Python 3.3:

  - 3.3

Mirroring with a license blacklist#

As of Repository 2.26.0, the Anaconda mirroring script supports license blacklisting for the following license families:

  • AGPL


  • BSD

  • GPL2

  • GPL3

  • LGPL

  • MIT



  • PSF


  • NONE

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors all the packages in the repository except those that are GPL2-, GPL3- or BSD-licensed:

  - GPL2
  - GPL3
  - BSD

Mirroring with a blacklist#

The blacklist allows access to all packages except those explicitly listed.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors the entire Repository except the bzip2, tk and openssl packages:

  - bzip2
  - tk
  - openssl

Mirroring with a whitelist#

The whitelist functions in combination with either the license_blacklist or blacklist arguments, and re-adds packages that were excluded by a previous argument.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors the entire Repository except any GPL2- or GPL3-licensed packages, but including readline, despite the fact that it is GPL3-licensed:

  - GPL2
  - GPL3
  - readline

Combining multiple mirror configurations#

You may find that combining two or more of the arguments above is the simplest way to get the exact combination of packages that you want.

The platforms argument is evaluated before any other argument.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors only linux-64 distributions of the dnspython, shapely and gdal packages:

  - linux-64
  - dnspython
  - shapely
  - gdal

If the license_blacklist and blacklist arguments are combined, the license_blacklist is evaluated first, and the blacklist is a supplemental modifier.

EXAMPLE: In this example, the mirror configuration does not mirror GPL2-licensed packages. It does not mirror the GPL3-licensed package PyQt because it has been blacklisted. It does mirror all other packages in Repository:

  - GPL2
  - pyqt

If the blacklist and whitelist arguments are both employed, the blacklist is evaluated first, with the whitelist functioning as a modifier.

EXAMPLE: This example mirrors all packages in the repository except astropy and pygments. Despite being listed on the blacklist, Accelerate is mirrored because it is listed on the whitelist:

 - accelerate
 - astropy
 - pygments
 - accelerate