Working with Jupyter notebooks#

As of Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository version 2.3.0, you can upload and download Jupyter notebooks like other files.

You can also view a static copy of notebooks in Repository. The ability to run notebooks inside Repository will become available in a future release.

To run notebooks, use Anaconda Navigator or AE Notebooks server.

Uploading a notebook#

The default maximum allowed size for notebooks is 25 MB. This limit can be changed by setting the MAX_IPYNB_SIZE variable in the config.yaml file.

To upload a notebook to your user account, at the Anaconda Prompt or in a Terminal window, run:

anaconda upload -p my-notebook my-notebook.ipynb

NOTE: Replace my-notebook with the name of the notebook you want to upload.

To upload a new version of your notebook, while retaining the original version, upload it with the version switch from a Terminal window or an Anaconda Prompt:

anaconda upload -p my-notebook -v 1.1 my-notebook.ipynb

NOTE: Replace my-notebook with the name of the notebook you want to upload.

Finding a notebook#

You can view an HTML version of your notebook at:


NOTE: Replace <your-anaconda-repo> with the name of your local Repository, USERNAME with your username and my-notebook with the name of your notebook.

To see another user’s notebook, browse to the associated user account on your Repository installation.

Downloading a notebook#

Anyone with access to Repository can download your notebook using the Anaconda Prompt or Terminal window:

anaconda download USERNAME/my-notebook

NOTE: Replace USERNAME with your username, and my-notebook with the name of your notebook.