Docker is an open platform for developers and system administrators to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center virtual machines, or the cloud. Anaconda, Inc. provides Anaconda and Miniconda Docker images.
Read the official Docker documentation and specifically the information related to Docker images.
Begin by browsing the available Anaconda images on our Docker profile.
To obtain a fully working Anaconda image:
In a terminal window, run this command to display a list of available images:
docker search continuumio
Pull the desired image:
docker pull continuumio/miniconda3
Create a container using the image:
docker run -t -i continuumio/miniconda3 /bin/bash
This gives you direct access to the container where the conda tool is already available.
Test the container:
conda info
You now have a fully working Anaconda image.
To install and launch the Jupyter Notebook, execute the following command all on one line from the host machine:
docker run -i -t -p 8888:8888 continuumio/miniconda3 /bin/bash \
-c "/opt/conda/bin/conda install jupyter -y --quiet && mkdir \
/opt/notebooks && /opt/conda/bin/jupyter notebook \
--notebook-dir=/opt/notebooks --ip='*' --port=8888 \
--no-browser --allow-root"
This command is formatted for readability. If your shell supports line continuation (e.g., bash, zsh), you can run it as shown. Otherwise, remove the backslashes (\
) and combine it into a single line.
To access the Jupyter notebook, copy and paste the server URL from the terminal output. It will look something like http://localhost:8888/tree?token=<TOKEN_VALUE>
or, if you are using a Docker Machine VM, http://<DOCKER-MACHINE-IP>:8888/tree?token=<TOKEN_VALUE>