Getting started with Anaconda#
Welcome to Anaconda! This topic can help you decide which Anaconda installer to download and whether to use conda (CLI) or Anaconda Navigator (GUI) for managing environments and packages. You’ll also find several resources to build your understanding of Anaconda’s most popular offerings.
Should I use Anaconda Distribution or Miniconda?#
Both the Anaconda Distribution and Miniconda installers include the conda package and environment manager, but how you plan to use the software will determine which installer you want to choose.
Anaconda Distribution
Created and published by Anaconda
Has conda
# of packages
< 70
Install space required
~4.4 GB
~480 MB
What’s your experience level?#
- I’m just starting out and don’t know what packages I should use.
Install Anaconda Distribution! It includes over 300 standard data science and machine learning packages, which will give you a kickstart in your development journey.
- I don’t have much experience with the command line.
Install Anaconda Distribution! The install includes Anaconda Navigator, a desktop application that is built on top of conda. You can use Navigator’s graphical user interface (GUI) to create environments, install packages, and launch development applications like Jupyter Notebooks and Spyder. For more information on Navigator, see Getting started with Navigator.
- I know exactly what packages I want to use and I don’t want a large download.
Install Miniconda! Miniconda is a minimal installer that only includes a very small installation of Anaconda’s distribution—conda, Python, and a few other packages. For more information, see the Miniconda documentation.
- I only use the command line.
Install Miniconda or Anaconda Distribution! Both installations include conda, the command line package and environment manager. For more information on conda, see the conda Getting Started page or download the conda cheatsheet.
Free Anaconda Learning course#
In the Get Started with Anaconda entry-level course, you’ll learn about packages, conda environments, Jupyter Notebooks, and more. We’ll also guide you through initiating a Python program (in both a notebook and several popular IDEs) and show you what happens when a bug is identified in Python code.
Anaconda Notebooks#
Anaconda Notebooks allow anyone, anywhere to begin their data science journey. Spin up awesome data science projects directly from your browser with all the packages and computing power you need.
IDE tutorials#
The following tutorials show you the basics of using some popular IDEs (integrated development environments) with Anaconda:
Deprecated tutorials
The following tutorials have been deprecated and may be out of date: