Using the Notebook Present extension#

The AEN Notebook Present extension turns your notebook into a Microsoft PowerPoint-style presentation.

The Present extension adds 2 buttons to Notebook’s menu bar—Edit Presentation and Show Presentation:

To begin using Notebook Present, click the Edit Presentation button.

The Notebook Present sidebar is displayed on the right side of your browser:

Clicking each icon changes the menu and layout of your notebook.

Clicking the Help icon displays 3 tours—demonstrations—of the main features of Present:

Select one of the tours to view a short presentation regarding the specifics of that feature.

Intro tour#

The Intro tour is a 2-minute presentation that explains how to use the main features of Present, including a description of each button’s purpose.

NOTE: At any time, you can pause, go back to the previous or move forward to the next slide.

The following information is covered in the Intro tour:

  • App Bar—When authoring, this allows you control the content and style of your presentation. It also can be used to activate several keyboard shortcuts for editing:

  • Stop Authoring—Clicking the Edit Presentation button again stops authoring, and removes all keyboard shortcuts.

  • Show Presentation—If you just want to run your presentation without using any authoring tools, just click the Show Presentation button.

  • Presenting/Authoring—Once you’ve made some slides, start presenting, where you can use most Notebook functions with the theme we have defined, as well as customize slides on the fly.

  • Slides button—Slides, made of Regions linked to Cell Parts are the bread and butter of any presentation, and can be imported, created, linked, reordered, and edited here.

  • Theming—Theming lets you select from existing colors, typography, and backgrounds to make distinctive presentations. The first theme you select will become the default, while you can choose custom themes for a particular slide, like a title.

  • Saving—Whenever you save your Notebook, all your presentation data will be stored right in the Notebook .ipynb file.

  • Downloading—After you’ve made a presentation, you can download it as an HTML page by choosing Download → Download As: Presentation (.html) in the menu.

  • Help—Activate help at any time to try other tours, connect with the present developers and community, and other information.

Slides tour#

Slides make up a presentation. Clicking Slides toggles the sorter view and the Slide Toolbar on and off:

The Slides tour explains how to create and manage slides, including the following information:

  • Slide Toolbar—Create a new slide. Clicking + Slide will offer some choices for creating your new slide.

  • Import—The quickest way to create a presentation is to import each cell as a slide. If you’ve already created slides with the official slideshow cell toolbar or RISE, you can import most of that content.

  • Template Library—You can create a presentation from an existing template.

    • Reuse Slide as Template—You can create a presentation based on an existing slide.

    • Simple Template—A common template is the Quad Chart, with four pieces of content arranged in a grid.

  • Region—The Quad Chart has four Regions. To select a region, click it.

    • Link a Region to a Cell Part—Each Region can be linked to a single Cell Part using the Link Overlay, which shows all of the parts available.

      • Cell Part: Source (blue)–Source, such as code and Markdown text.

      • Cell Part: Outputs (red)–Outputs, such as rich figures and script results.

      • Cell Part: Widgets (purple)–Jupyter widgets, interactive widgets that provide both visualization and user input.

      • Cell Part: Whole (orange)–Finally, a Whole Cell, including its Source, Widgets and Outputs can be linked to a single Region.

    • Unlink a region from a Cell Part—Unlinking removes the connection between a Region and a Cell Part, without deleting either one.

    • Region: Trashing—Trashing a Region permanently deletes it, without affecting any linked Cell Part.

    • Part Thumbnail—We’ll try to draw a part thumbnail. It can only be reliably updated when a linked Cell Part is on-screen when you mouse over it, but you should usually be able to get an idea of what you’re seeing. The colors of the regions correspond to the cell types.

  • Presenting—Clicking the Present button while editing brings up the Presenter with editing mode still enabled:

    • Linked inputs and widgets are still interactive.

    • Go forward—Click to go to the next slide

    • Go back—Click to go back to the previous slide

    • Go back to the beginning—Click to go back to the first slide

    • My work is done here—Click to go back to the Notebook.

Editor tour#

Once you’ve made a few slides, you’ll likely want to customize them. The Editor tour explains how to edit your notebook, including the following information:

  • Editing Slides—Activate the Slide Editor by double-clicking it, or by clicking Edit Slide.

  • Region Editor—Click to drag Regions around and resize them.

  • Region Tree—Reorder Regions and see the details of how Regions will show their linked Parts.

  • Add Region—Add new regions.

  • Attribute Editor—Edit the properties of a region.

  • Data Layouts—In addition to manually moving regions, you can apply these layouts to automatically fill your slides.

  • More Regions—Add more regions—with a weight of 1.

  • Tree Weight—Make a Region bigger or smaller, based on its relative weight.

  • 12 Grid—A compromise between the Free and Treemap layouts, the 12 Grid option rounds all of the values in a layout to a factor of 12.