Installing the AEN compute node(s)#

Compute nodes are where projects are stored and run.

Adding multiple AEN compute machines allows you to scale-out horizontally to increase capacity. Projects can be created on individual compute nodes to spread the load.

Repeat this procedure on each compute machine.

Setting variables and changing permissions#


chmod a+x aen-*.sh                # Set installer to be executable

NOTE: Change <FQDN HOSTNAME OR IP ADDRESS> to the actual fully qualified domain hostname or IP address.

NOTE: You must perform the entire procedure before closing the terminal to ensure the variable export persists.

Running the AEN compute installer#


sudo -E ./ -w $AEN_SERVER
Logging to /tmp/wakari_compute.log
Checking server name
Initial clone of root environment...
Starting Wakari daemons...
installation finished.
Do you wish the installer to prepend the wakari-compute install location
to PATH in your /root/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Restart the AEN Server#

Once configured, restart the AEN server:

sudo service wakari-server restart

Configuring your compute node(s)#

Once installed, you must configure the compute launcher on your server:

  1. In your browser, go to your AEN server.

  2. Log in as the AEN_SRVC_ACCT user.

  3. In the AEN navigation bar, click Admin to open the Admin Settings page.

  4. In the Providers menu, select Enterprise Resources:

  5. Click the Add Resource button to open the new resource form.

  6. Select the data center to associate this compute node with.

  7. In the URL box, type: http://$AEN_COMPUTE:5002.

    NOTE: If the compute launcher is located on the same box as the gateway, we recommended that you type http://localhost:5002 instead.

  8. Type a Name and Description for the compute node.

  9. Click the Add Resource button to save the changes.

Your AEN compute node is configured.

What’s next#

Configure conda to use your local on-site AEN repository.